Monday, January 31, 2011

How Ithaca Equates to Skinny Jeans

Back in August, I stepped into Ithaca and immediately felt that it was the wrong fit. For months I’ve been cranky and snarky and puffy-eyed from all the crying. I marinated in my dislike, soaking in the negative feelings with each passing grey, rainy day until even I got tired of my complaints.

These are not unlike my initial feelings toward John Mayer and skinny jeans. Years ago, I decided that, regardless (or because?) of their commercial success, neither was cute. I didn’t need a hand behind my head before it hit the bed. And I certainly didn’t need my thighs accentuated via severely tapered denim (sporting that look back in 6th grade was enough!). But with time, something changed. I don’t remember which came first: the jeans sale at Banana Republic—“I’ll just try a pair on”-- or Mayer’s tattooed sleeve—HOT! Let’s just say my up-turned nose took a downward dive and, at this point, I’d happily shell out a couple hundred bucks to have either one on me. (Sorry, had to.) The one-eighty shift doesn’t end there. This Ithaca place is growing on me…

Highlights include my cute apartment, awesome classes, and interesting colleagues, but also that it’s really easy to eat here. That’s not something an East Coast vegan gets to say very often! Each week I survey the multitude of tofu brands (I go with local, of course) available in the supermarkets, share animal-free treats with my vegan friends, and choose among several vegan options offered on restaurant dinner menus (as opposed to one cheese-laden vegetarian option on most Philly menus). But there’s something I’ve eaten lately that is proving to be way healthier than tempeh bake-un or spaghetti and beanballs: my words. During winter break, I realized that maybe Ithaca (or John Mayer, skinny jeans, my mother during my middle school years…) was never the problem; perhaps it was my sucky attitude. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still not perfectly happy, but at this point I’m at least honest with myself, humbled, and fairly content—all while wearing my skinny jeans, listening to John Mayer, and chillin’ in Ithaca.

“Fear is a friend who’s misunderstood. I know the heart of life is good.” ~John Mayer
